Saturday, June 20, 2009

finally...the cutest Girlies on the Planet


Highlite Photography is so thrilled to be teamed up with Persnickety Clothing, a little girls online clothing boutique.  Corinne is absolutely a force to be reckoned with when it comes to clothes and her designs.

Highlite luvs these yummie girls.  wonder what everyone downtown thought when they saw this mass amount of girls, parents, clothes, bows and photographers. CRAZY.

so sorry for long blog.  Marc told me not to blog this many.  I told him it was fine.  you know--hubby and hunny working together is so fun!

luv to you girls for participating!


Anonymous said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE! I love that you posted a lot I was excited to see how they turned out!

Persnickety Clothing said...

Are you out of your mind!!!!! I can't believe these pics. You guys are insanely awesome over there at Highlight photography. I can't wait to put these up. They are candy. Wa La. You did it again!